Posts Tagged ‘ancestor trouble’

Meditations on Kinship

I’ve renamed my newsletter from Ancestor Trouble — still a focus and preoccupation — to Meditations on Kinship, which better reflects the breadth of my thinking and feeling and seems like a capacious home going forward. After considering other options, I’m staying on Substack for now. I’m unpersuaded that the alternatives are guaranteed to avoid platforming hate speech, but they . . .

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National Genealogical Society Quarterly Praise

I was surprised and delighted to discover a generous review of Ancestor Trouble by Deanna Korte in the latest issue of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly. Here’s an excerpt: Maud Newton, in a fascinating author debut, shows readers that our ‘obsession with ancestors opens up new ways of seeing ourselves.’ Newton… takes the reader on a journey of genealogical exploration, . . .

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Reader encapsulates my thesis, in my words

There is truly nothing more fulfilling to a writer than knowing your book found a reader who connects with it as something longed-for. And this week I learned that it’s even more exhilarating if the reader pulls out a quote from the book that describes the motivation for writing it. On Instagram, the writer Leah De Forest did just that! . . .

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Omega Institute Retreat

I’ll be appearing remotely this Friday, October 18, as part of Narrative Healing’s in-person “Listen to Your Ancestors” weekend retreat at the beloved Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, led by Lisa Weinert, with Jamia Wilson, Lewis Mehl-Madrona, and Kim Thai. I’ll be teaching on writing about ancestors as a transformative and even sacred practice.

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Art & Kinship:  Emily Raboteau’s Lessons For Survival

The first subject of my new Art & Kinship series is Emily Raboteau, whose work I’ve been reading with admiration for almost two decades. Her new book—Lessons for Survival: Mothering Against “The Apocalypse”—is out today. In my latest newsletter, some thoughts on her work broadly and this book in particular, along with photos of Emily and her ancestor wall, and her reflections on creating this memorial to them after the passing of her dad as she wrote.

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