
Texas Monthly and I agree on y’all

I was tickled to be cited favorably in Texas Monthly for my letter of recommendation for “y’all,” the most inclusive pronoun. But Dan Solomon’s article on “y’all” as a perfect word is worth a read for more reasons than that. As a fifth-generation Texan who’s not really a Texan because I grew up in Miami and have lived in New . . .

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Cities are also nature, Earth reminds us

In a recent newsletter, I wrote about (what I see as) the necessity of moving away from the idea of cities as “not nature” or “the opposite of nature.” I connect this binary, for many of us at least, to the far-ranging effects of fundamentalist conceptions of the Earth as a waiting room for heaven. Here’s part of what I . . .

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Staying connected and present in these times

In my latest newsletter: my mom and stepdad finally have their power back in Asheville after a scary couple of weeks, and in celebration I shared this photo of the two of them from 1983. Also: writing election postcards; some tried-and-true soup recipes; audiobook recommendations; gathering in (remote) community on Sunday nights for Sebene Selassie’s Making Sacred Space; cultivating attuned . . .

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Omega Institute Retreat

I’ll be appearing remotely this Friday, October 18, as part of Narrative Healing’s in-person “Listen to Your Ancestors” weekend retreat at the beloved Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, led by Lisa Weinert, with Jamia Wilson, Lewis Mehl-Madrona, and Kim Thai. I’ll be teaching on writing about ancestors as a transformative and even sacred practice.

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The Awl: The Book!

I’ve written for many wonderful publications and editors, but I’ve never loved writing for any place as much as I loved writing for The Awl. If you, like me, miss going there every day to read their latest, you might be dismayed to know that their archives are no longer on the site (thus the lack of a link) but . . .

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