Posts Tagged ‘global family reunion’

You’re Invited to the Global Family Reunion

On June 6, I’ll be speaking at the Global Family Reunion about my family, my interest in genealogy, ancestry, genetics, and the things we know and stories we tell ourselves about inheritance, and how my fascination with all of this became the book I’m writing. My talk will be at 3:30 p.m. The reunion, brainchild of AJ Jacobs, also features . . .

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A Wintry Update

A longtime reader wrote to ask if everything’s okay. He was concerned because I post here so rarely. Everything is okay! My stepdaughter, Autumn, turned twenty-one! Often I still think of her as the little waving girl in the photo above. But she is an astounding young woman, a clear and compassionate thinker, a poet, a gift, my only child. . . .

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