
Writing About Abuse is Not Abuse*

If you are a writer struggling with the ethics of sharing your own history, remember that dragging these experiences out of hiding does not make you the harmful one.

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You Can Have Your Blue Check Back

TL;DR: What the hell is this timeline we’re living in? Far more asinine than I ever imagined. I’m still deciding what to do with my Twitter account, which I started fourteen years ago and where most people who follow my work follow me. Meanwhile here are some thoughts. Also, please vote.

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A Recommendation for Y’all. And Some Receipts.

Illustration for the New York Times Magazine by Clay Hickson. For the New York Times Magazine, I wrote a letter of recommendation for “y’all,” a word I shied away from in my youth as a transplant from Dallas to Miami and have since circled back to not once, but twice. Here’s an excerpt: Growing up in Miami, I dreaded being . . .

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