
Celebrating Eudora Welty with Granta

On Friday, June 10, I’ll be discussing the late, great Eudora Welty at Granta’s Truly Yours, Eudora Welty: An Evening on Writing and Influence with editor Patrick Ryan and writer Sheri Holman. Rhonda Keyser will read the job application letter Welty sent to the New Yorker as a young woman, in 1933. “Gentlemen,” it begins, “I suppose you’d be more . . .

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Brief interview with Jamaica Kincaid

“One of the things reading does, it makes your loneliness manageable if you are an essentially lonely person.” — Jamaica Kincaid, who has a novel excerpt out in Little Star

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Kate Christensen on her “inner dick”

Kate Christensen has an essay in the latest Elle on writing “In a Man’s Voice.” (She’s an expert on the subject; three of her novels, including the upcoming The Astral, have male narrators.) All of you — men not exempted — must read it. Here’s an excerpt: The phrase “dick for a day” used to be bandied about quite a . . .

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