
A hundred and eight in people-years

Binnie Kirshenbaum is estranged from her elderly father, who lives in an assisted living facility with an elderly cat. She sends food baskets from Katz’s deli and imagines what his life will be like if the cat dies first.

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Folklore + realism

My friend Alexi Zentner discusses his strategies for balancing fabulism and realism in his first novel, Touch. At Bookslut, Courtney Tenz compares his writing to Per Petterson’s.

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Comprehensive slang immersion

Thanks to Jonathon Green’s magnificent three-volume Dictionary of Slang, which arrived yesterday compliments of Oxford University Press, I’ve already learned that the first recorded use of “bad shag” dates to 1788, that to “beat skin”* (1944) doesn’t mean what you think, you pervert, and that the term “dude” was once (1883) considered so offensive that “a vigorous Bloomington woman cowhided . . .

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How Longfellow woke the dead

According to Jill Lepore, Longfellow’s much-maligned “Paul Revere’s Ride,” published the day South Carolina seceded from the Union, “was read at the time as a call to arms, rousing northerners to action.”

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