On Biblical heroines
It’s true. The Biblical God is not a feminist. (Via.) But I still contend that Eve is a hero.
It’s true. The Biblical God is not a feminist. (Via.) But I still contend that Eve is a hero.
Most of us who threaten to flee the city for a shack in the wilderness don’t get any further than making terrariums and insufferably holding forth in bars, but eight years ago Philip Connors actually quit his job at the Wall Street Journal for a fire lookout post in New Mexico. In the intervening years, he’s written some magnificent . . .
David Orr talks with Laura Miller about his new book, Beautiful and Pointless, and “trying to communicate simultaneously with the Comic Book Guy and Moe the bartender.” He and other critics discuss poetry and the public tonight, 4/11, at Housing Works.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers’ accent, the history of “dude,” singing in dialect… If you’re obsessed with the way people speak, bookmark actor Ben Trawick-Smith’s Dialect Blog, recently highlighted at Language Hat and Sentence First.
It’s James Salter Month at The Paris Review. Kate Peterson interviews him, and Geoff Dyer, Jhumpa Lahiri, Porochista Khakpour, Ian Crouch, and other writers offer appreciations in the lead-up to the annual Spring Revel, where he’ll be honored.