
Practical city living #13: U-Bahn versus NYC subway

In Berlin the week before last, my friend Jessa mentioned that people on public transit there are completely okay with staring. It’s not just fine to stare, she said; it’s expected. If you don’t look at people, you’re the weird one. For me, longtime rider of the New York City subway that I am, this idea was hard to wrap . . .

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Join authors, the public, at the 24-Hour Read-In

As a rule I don’t duplicate posts from my Tumblr, but this is important enough to make an exception. If you’re able, I hope you’ll come out this Saturday to the main branch of the Brooklyn Public Library for the Read-In to protest the Mayor’s enormous proposed library budget cuts, which if enacted would effectively dismantle the New York, Queens, . . .

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Travel and other journals and happenings

I leave for Berlin and Amsterdam a week from today and meanwhile am slammed at work-work and with other work, so I keep not being able to post any of the things I intend to write here. But for the first time since my college days, I’ve been keeping a journal. Actually, I’ve been keeping journals, as in many, on . . .

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