
Congrats to Alexi Z.

W.W. Norton will publish my friend Alexi Zentner’s first novel in 2011. Alexi co-won the 2008 Narrative Prize.

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Crumb’s Book of Genesis, Chick’s tracts, a public apology

R. Crumb’s faithful rendering of Genesis highlights the book’s inconsistencies, including the conflicting accounts of the creation of humanity. Was Eve formed as a subservient “helper,” from Adam’s rib, or did the Lord make man and woman at the same time, with a let-there-be-light-type command? The simultaneous creation story is the older one, actually, but fundamentalists read them together, giving . . .

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Writing Lanark to relax

“I had enough information to do a far better hatchet job on me than anybody else could!” An interview with Alasdair Gray.

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