
Quartet: Rhys’ doomed love affair on screen

The novelist Alexander Chee and I corresponded at Granta this summer about Jean Rhys’ doomed love affair with Ford Madox Ford and the novels each of them wrote after it imploded. Rhys’ novel was called Quartet. I have no idea whether the 1981 Merchant Ivory film based on it is any good, but it’s been posted online in ten parts. . . .

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Writers and steaks and frazzled eggs

I intend to try Alex Balk’s method of cooking a fucking steak, although I’m pretty sure the first principle of the native Texan’s catechism is “use a grill.” I don’t think you’re even allowed to call it steak in my mother’s house if it wasn’t cooked over an open flame (or maybe chicken-fried). For another tempting pan-cooked variety, see Norman . . .

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Now I am dead you sing to me

“When it’s a cold November in the soul, Melville’s Ishmael may go off to sea, but some of us simply reach for Hardy’s collected poems.” Indeed.

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