
Breaking news: The secret history of Cracker Barrel

Last year I wrote a story about the secret history of Cracker Barrel, Sodom and Gomorrah, and, possibly, the Illuminati. I did this for the Significant Objects project, which invites writers to infuse an otherwise worthless object with value through fiction. In so doing, I raised a little (very little) bit of money for Girls Write Now. Obviously any artificially . . .

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What is left after negation

“What you can finally not say ‘no’ to”: Mark Vernon, spurred by reading of Iain McGilchrist, contemplates the essentially negative exchange between the hemispheres of the brain.

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Preview a new Mockett essay

Discover Nikkei runs an excerpt from Marie Mockett’s “Comportment Compartment,” which is forthcoming in The Asian American Literary Review.

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