Upcoming Events:
- Taking a little break. Check back in a few months!
Past Events:
- October 18–20, 2024: Remote appearance at Narrative Healing’s Ancestors weekend retreat at Omega Institute, with Lisa Weinert, Jamia Wilson, Lewis Mehl-Madrona, and Kim Thai. In Rhinebeck, New York.
- March 14, 2024: Paperback launch conversation for Idra Novey’s exemplary and acclaimed 2023 novel, Take What You Need, at Barnes & Noble on Atlantic Avenue. Brooklyn, 6:30 PM.
- March 16, 2024: Family Stories We (Tell Ourselves We) Can’t Tell, an affordable afternoon writing workshop offered as part of Miami’s Big Read. Register at the Miami Book Fair site. Miami-Dade Wolfson Campus, 1:00–3:00 PM.
- January 18, 2024: Launch conversation for Abbott Kahler’s first novel, Where You End, aptly described as “Donna Tartt meets David Lynch.” In person. The Mysterious Bookshop, NYC, 6:00 PM.
- December 2, 2023: Fort Mason Center, appearance at the catalog launch for Sunny A. Smith’s Fort Mason Center show, The Compass Rose, and conversation as catalog contributor about Smith’s art and the complex relationships between ourselves and our lineages. In person. Fort Mason Center, Gallery 308, San Francisco, California, 2:00 PM-4:00 PM PT.
- October 14, 2023: Brattleboro Lit Fest, with Liz Scheier (Never Simple). In person. Brattleboro, Vermont, 9:30 AM ET.
- October 21, 2023: Lost Weekend Festival, with Baynard Woods (Inheritance). In person. Baltimore, Maryland, 1:45 PM ET.
- April 6, 2023: A conversation with Dionne Ford about her excellent debut memoir Go Back and Get It: A Memoir of Race, Inheritance, and Intergenerational Healing. In person. The Strand, Manhattan, 7 PM ET.
- November 20, 2022: Miami Book Fair, with Ada Calhoun (Also a Poet). In person and virtual. Miami Dade College / Wolfson Campus, Building 1, Second Floor, Auditorium, 4:30 PM ET.
- November 14, 2022: A conversation about Nice White Ladies: The Truth about White Supremacy, Our Role in It, and How We Can Help Dismantle It with author Jessie Daniels. In Person. Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College, Manhattan, 6 PM ET.
- October 28, 2022: Six Bridges Book Festival, conversation with Stephanie Maxwell Newton. Virtual. Little Rock, 4 PM CDT.
- October 25, 2022: Books Are Magic, launch conversation with Jeanna Kadlec about her debut memoir, Heretic. In person and virtual. Brooklyn, 7 PM EDT.
- October 23, 2022: Bureau of General Services — Queer Division features Emptying the Pews: Life after Conservative Christianity. Lauren O’Neal will host a panel discussion on making art and living life after leaving conservative Christianity, featuring her Empty the Pews coeditor Chrissy Stroop, and Carmen Maria Machado (In the Dream House), Daniel Lavery (Something That May Shock and Discredit You), and Maud Newton. In person and virtual. Manhattan, 3 PM EDT.
- October 18, 2022: To the Lighthouse, conversation with Laila Lalami (Conditional Citizens, The Other Americans, The Moor’s Account). Virtual. Pacific Grove, CA, 5 PM PDT / 8 PM EDT, $10.
- October 15, 2022: Southern Festival of Books, conversation on memoir with Isaac Fitzgerald, author of Dirtbag, Massachusetts, and Jami Attenberg, author of I Came All This Way to Meet You. In Person. Nashville, 12 PM CDT.
- September 9, 2022: Brattleboro Literary Festival Literary Cocktail Hour, conversation with Rebecca Donner, author of All The Frequent Troubles of Our Days. Virtual. Brattleboro, Vermont, 5 p.m. EDT
- September 8, 2022: National Archives Museum, conversation with Dan Bouk about his book, Democracy’s Data: The Hidden Stories in the U.S. Census and How to Read Them. Virtual. Washington D.C, 1–2 p.m. EDT.
- August 30, 2022: City of Asylum Books, conversation with Geeta Kothari on writing about family In person and virtual. Pittsburgh, 7–8:30 EDT.
- August 8, 2022: Memoir Monday Reading Series, with Sari Botton, Edgar Gomez, Chloé Cooper Jones, and Tajja Isen, Powerhouse Books (in person, indoors). Brooklyn, 7PM EDT.
- June 19, 2022: Deep Water Literary Festival: The Art of Memoir, with Hafizah Augustus Geter, Diana Goetsch, and Joyce Maynard (in person, indoors, Covid protocols in effect), Narrowsburg, New York, 1:30 – 2:30 PM EDT.
- June 9, 2022: Echoes of the Past, conversation with Ann Leary, author of The Foundling, Center for Fiction (in person, indoors, Covid protocols in effect). Brooklyn, 7PM EDT.
- June 2, 2022: Rally Reading Series, with Khadijah Queen, Alison Espach, and Shelly Oria, at Pete’s Candy Store (in person, indoors). Brooklyn, 8 PM.
- May 9, 2022: Franklin Park Reading Series, with Chloe Cooper Jones, Susan Shapiro, Edgar Gomez, Ian MacAllen, and Leah Goodridge, Franklin Park Bar (in person, indoors). Brooklyn, 8 PM EDT.
- April 5, 2022: Conversation with Honorée Fanonne Jeffers, Magic City Books (virtual). 7 PM CDT.
- April 4, 2022: conversation with Casey Cep, American Ancestors by New England Historic Genealogical Society, in Partnership with Porter Square Books (virtual). 6-7 PM EDT.
- April 1, 2022: Memoir and Memory, conversation with Liz Scheier, Square Books at Oxford Conference for the Book, Old Armory Pavilion (in person, outdoors). Oxford, 10:30 AM CDT.
- March 30, 2022: Conversation with Alexander Chee, The Mark Twain House & Museum (virtual). 7-8 PM EDT.
- March 29, 2022: Book Launch, conversation with Maaza Mengiste, Books Are Magic (in person and streaming, Covid protocols in effect). Brooklyn, 7 PM EDT.
The photos above are from some of my favorite past events, with Maaza Mengiste, Alexander Chee, Garrard Conley, and Ada Calhoun.