
The passion of influence

Nicholson Baker distinguishes between contingent and chronic literary influences: “with Updike, when I disagree with him, there is an element of pain, of emotional rupture.” (See also.)

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Writers have always been hustlers*

“It’s always comforting to be reminded that literary whoring — I mean, self-marketing — has been practiced by the greats.” See also the hot young author debate, circa 1882. (*Jinx.)

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The Use and Abuse of Literature

“What once wasn’t literature is now at the heart of the canon,” Marjorie Garber argues. Christopher Beha agrees but says Garber, like those she criticizes, ultimately wants “literature” to mean only one thing.

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BBC Radio 4 extravaganza

BBC Radio 4’s new program library makes it so much easier to find archived interviews, like A.S. Byatt on Possession, Joseph Heller on Catch-22… I’m just scratching the surface. (Via.)

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