
Winter Tin House

The latest Tin House includes an interview with Amélie Nothomb, fiction from Nothomb and Keith Lee Morris, Dani Shapiro on Ellen Miller, and A.N. Devers on María Louisa Bombal.

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Definining a classic

The Latin word classicus, from which “classic” derives, was closely related to ancient Rome’s hierarchy of wealth, but the term was born problematic.

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Kate Christensen celebrates the holidays in Tuscany

Novelist Kate Christensen, who’s been in Tuscany this fall, sends holiday greetings, and a recipe for persimmon pudding. Hello from Tuscany, which contrary to all the books and movies turns out to be a gated-community-type suburban enclave, staggeringly beautiful as advertised, but very quiet except for the madly honking, bat-out-of-hell drivers on the narrow walled roads. Life here is calm . . .

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