
Wurlitzer speaks

The first installment of a two-part interview with novelist and screenwriter Rudolph Wurlitzer airs at Bookworm today. (See also.)

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The worst kind of girlishness

Fran Lebowitz explains (in video!) that Jane Austen’s continued popularity rests on a fundamental misunderstanding of her books, which are not actually romance novels. (Via.)

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Haitian (and U.S.) history: A 60-second tutorial

  On Rachel Maddow’s show, the Haitian Ambassador responds (above) to Pat Robertson’s revolting and infuriating, but not especially surprising, claim that the earthquake is a result of slaves’ “pact with the devil.” As Alex Balk says, this rebuttal is “direct, intelligent,” and “filled with more history in one minute than pretty much anything you see on most news programs . . .

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