
Dolen Perkins-Valdez at Girls Write Now’s Chapters

The first installment of Chapters, the Girls Write Now reading series I’m curating, will feature the talented Dolen Perkins-Valdez, author of the new novel Wench. She’ll be introduced by my friend and fellow board member Tayari Jones, and after her guest reading, several of the girls will share their own work. The event is this Friday at the Center for . . .

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Concerning E.M. Forster

Matthew Price calls Kermode’s new study of E.M. Forster “a disappointing mishmash of biography and criticism,” more flat than round.

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That baleful glare

Jay Atkinson visits Flannery O’Connor’s Milledgeville, quotes Harry Crews, makes me wonder how many of us found our way to her from his class. (See also.)

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