Writing About Ancestor Trouble Class

Image shows an illustration of Maud Newton, a white woman with red hair and glasses.
Illlustration of me for Tricycle Magazine by Harriet Lee-Merrion

After many months of planning, I announced my Writing About Ancestor Trouble class in my newsletter on Tuesday. To my great astonishment, the class is already full, and I’m incredibly excited about the community that’s forming. If the description resonates for you and you’d potentially like to join a later offering, feel free to send a request through Maud’s Place telling me a little about your interest so I can know if it might be a good fit for you and let you know when I offer it again.

In other news, The New Yorker selected Ancestor Trouble as one of their best books of 2022 (so far)! And at Tricycle Magazine, Ann Tashi Slater interviewed me about Ancestor Trouble and connecting with the past to move forward in the present. 

Image reads: The New Yorker, The Best Books of 2022 So Far. The image also depicts six readers whose faces are obscured by black and green books.


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