The Truth Will Set You Free

Image shows bare winter trees in Forest Park, Queens, against the sky at dusk.

I don’t ordinarily link to my newsletters here nowadays, but I’m making an exception for the latest, “The Truth Will Set You Free.” It’s about how wrestling with wrongs of my ancestors, rather than being a miserly, judgmental, closed-off process, has been an incredible opening. I’m also giving away an advance copy of Ancestor Trouble. And there are some good links and recommendations, if you’re in the market, and an excerpt from an interview my friend Carolyn Kellogg was kind enough to do with me about the book.

The photo above is of Forest Park, on Lenape land in Queens, New York. I wrote for Curbed about what I learned about the loopholes in New York City’s “Forever Wild” protections after my Assemblywoman issued a proposal to transform what she called “vacant park space” on the edge of this park into a parking lot.

I’m also grateful, excited, and frankly astounded to see Ancestor Trouble included on more most-anticipated lists from Oprah DailyEsquireBook PageLiterary Hub, and The Millions

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