Maximus Clarke presents William Gibson, others in 3D

“Maximus Clarke’s digitally manipulated anaglyph portraits take 3D imaging beyond the bounds of cinematic novelty, and explore the paradox of stereography as a simultaneously hyper-realistic and highly artificial medium.”

This Friday, August 19, Devotion Gallery in Williamsburg debuts Max’s 3-D portraits of William Gibson, Lindsey Case, Michael Doyle, Chris Ianuzzi, himself, and me. He’ll be handing out old-fashioned red-and-blue glasses, which you’ll need to view the images in their full glory, but you can see a slideshow of the 3D photos, before deconstruction, at his site.

Ted Hayes’ “Deconspectrum” also opens at the gallery starting that night. The opening reception begins at 7 p.m. and runs through midnight. The split show closes August 28.

Previously, Max — aka the guy I’m married to — talked with William Gibson about his “speculative novels of last Wednesday.”

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