Reading at Second Pass party Wednesday, Nov. 10

The Second Pass is throwing a party at Melville House Bookstore this Wednesday night, and I’ll be reading a very brief excerpt from the novel I’m finishing up.

The other contributors reading are Carlene Bauer (Not That Kind of Girl), Will Blythe (To Hate Like This Is to Be Happy Forever), and Jason Zinoman, theater critic for the New York Times, who’s working on a book about ’70s horror films. After the readings “conclude with an entertaining excerpt from a largely forgotten work, in keeping with the site’s preoccupations,” we drink and toast to Second Pass mastermind John Williams. All this begins at 7:30 p.m.

I’m going to bring a pile of these booklets (above) to give away. I made them last year, to send to people who seemed disappointed that they didn’t win my novel excerpt/Narrative Magazine giveaway, but for some reason I decided to print extra ones that have now been sitting around so long, I just need them out of my life. The contents are my doubt reading list for Bookforum and a little bit of “When the Flock Changed” (a novel excerpt which you can read in full by following that link to the Narrative site). You should know that I’m nobody’s idea of a book designer; I completely mangled Bill Ectric’s Photoshop handiwork on the cover.

If you make it out to celebrate with us, you’re welcome to a copy. And I’ll eventually give away any leftovers here.

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