Infrastructure for souls?

If you enjoyed “Specters of a Young Earth,” Joseph Clarke’s fascinating essay on the Creation Museum, come out to The Kitchen tomorrow night. There he will continue his examination of evangelical architecture, with a brief look at the evolution of the megachurch and its intersections with the history of the American corporate workplace. (Joseph is my brother-in-law. He and I can talk about these kinds of things for hours.)

Rick Warren’s Saddleback church might not look remarkably like Google’s headquarters in the side-by-side comparison above, but you haven’t seen the sand volleyball courts yet.

The presentation is part of “More Talks About Buildings,” Triple Canopy’s evening of presentations on architecture and urbanism by designers, filmmakers, musicians, and critics. (Details: The Kitchen, 512 W 19th St, Manhattan, 7 PM. Free.)

Addendum: Joseph turned his presentation into an article for Triple Canopy: Infrastructure for Souls.

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